The new year comes with so much pressure to deliver, that it is almost counter productive if not checked. I woke up this morning and in a few seconds the reality of being in a new year, and all my dreams and aspirations for the year came rushing back. it was like get moving or else! you said you will do this and that. Are you still sleeping? Wake up!

1. Take a deep breath

Adrenalin is good. The motivation is also great, but i discovered it was not helping me move and actually do what i needed to do. . It was bringing fear and doubt. I had to take deep breaths, calm down and have a meeting with myself. i could not allow myself bow to that pressure because it didn’t allow me focus. It made me want to do everything at once, which wasn’t possible. In handling new year pressure, take a deep breath first.

2. Where are you now?

What are the ongoing projects or goals that you need to carry on with this year? Are they projects that will be all comsuming? Can you handle more? Do you just need to continue on the track you are on? What are the things you need to drop altogether, in order to focus?

3. Actually write down your goals for the present year

Begin writing by starting with any ongoing or continued from 2021. Simply sitting down to write has such a calming effect. It also helps us see if the goals are realistic or just building castles in the air. Writing also helps us measure, to know if the goal is challenging enough. When we write down, we are able to go back and review as the year goes on, we are also able to stay motivated.

4. Reasonable goals

Your goals don’t have to be so far out to be good goals. one or two extra steps added to a particular goal may be all you need. Small changes are easier to make than massive changes. When you take measured steps, you go the long haul, one step at a time. Sprinters never run far. The burst of energy does not last long. The year is still young, be careful not to burn out early because of such larger than life goals. Someone who has not been exercising can say for the first six months he wants to walk 15 minutes three times a week. more consistency will be achieved by this individual, than the person who from no exercise says he wants to run five times a week for 30 minutes from the first of January. he has set himself up for failure.

5. Break down your big goal into small measurable steps.

This makes it easier to accomplish your goals. The person who wants to start exercising three times a week for fifteen minutes should try not to exceed fifteen minutes for that period. He will just discover that he has been doing it consistently for the past three months. The ultimate goal may be to walk for 30 minutes everyday, but starting this way and building up after the stipulated time helps him remain consistent. As time goes on, and it becomes a habit, he can increase the length of time.

6. Organise your time

Making adjustments here make you feel more in control and less pressured. make a list of the things you need to do monthly as regards your gaols, break it down to weekly and daily. Arrange them in order of priority, so the most important things get first attention. This also helps you prioritize the right things, and manage your time wisely to achieve your goals. None essentials can take the back seat, to make room for the more important things. You can create a tiemtable if that works well for you.

know your most productive time of the day, and organise you most important tasks to be done within that period. This ensures you have maximum output.

7. Vary your tasks. 

Some things need to be done, but are boring to do, you can do some of that then switch to something not as important, but interesting to you; after a while go bck to the important but uninteresting task. Pacing yourself like that helps improve productivity.

8. Ask for assistance.

There is no law that says since its your goal, you alone need to work on your goal. As much as possible, get help from others, tomanage the stress of your set goals.For things you can outsource, dont hesitate to do that.

9. Acceptance

There are some things you cannot change. Learn to accept them and make the best of the situation. This helps us focus on productivity, and ignore those unimportant things. Complaining and focus on those things we cannot change, is a sure way to fail at achieving our goals.

10. Enjoy the process.

As you work to manage the pressure is Enjoy the process. Its your life, your goals. You set the goals for yourself, why should you become so pressured by yourself? Enjoy your life as you work towards your goals. Its one life , no one should go through life on high jump all the time. Relaxation and enjoying the moment helps. Dont be so fixated on the ultimate goal that you dont appreciate the progress you have made.

11. Celebrate small wins

Its the small wins that culminate in the ultimate win. Instead of being so fixated on the ultimate goal, enjoy those little wins along the way. Joy helps us along the way, revitalizing us and spurring us on toachieve more.

12. Maintain a healthy work life balance

Every aspect of your life carries with its some level importance. ignoring one area of your life is a recipe for disaster. This is true particularly for our relationships. Also remember that the divine connection should not be ignored. We need inner strength to succeed.


As you manage the pressure of your goals in the new year, remmber its only the living that can work to achive goals. Take care of yourself, without you there is no goal. i see you crushing those goals almost efforetlessly. Crush those goals as you sip some wine! Remember you are a winner and super achiever.