One of the greatest mistakes anyone can make is try to be like someone else or compete with others to outshine them. Yes we can have role models and mentors but let the motivation not be greed or covetousness.

Social media has made matters worse because we only see the embellished part of us on social media. Everyone’s path is different.

As dark as I am, all the children I am blessed with are lighter in complexion than I am, and then all shades of lighter, with different personalities to boot. All from the same womb. I remember when one of them was a baby, people kept asking if I actually gave birth to her! How then do I expect them to follow the same path in life? We are all different.

We can’t all live in the same part of town, have the same jobs, drive the same cars.

May are fooled by motion. Motion does not mean progress. Noise also does not mean growth. Refuse to allow the noise around distract you. Focus on your own growth process, it could be quiet but it’s still growth.

Enjoy the rest of your week.