I would like to first congratulate you for making it to this time of the year, in spite of all the challenges. Kudos to you, it shows you are made of sterner stuff than you think. The year is fast drawing to an end and started with high hopes and aspirations, with no one believing COVID will wreck so much havoc.

The excitement was huge because we had plans, goals and dreams. We started with such momentum believing by this time of the year, we would have achieved certain things.

As the year wore on and some things just didn’t fall into place, we lost momentum, disappointment set in, and some have almost thrown in the towel.

Some of these issues have to do with the economy. Inflation has made it so difficult to do business, and it’s as if income has not risen to meet with the rising cost of everything. Jobs have also been lost.

It could also be hopes or aspirations for a better marriage or even to get married or work on a particular relationship.

It could also be an educational pursuit that’s causing so much frustration.

Throwing in the towel is not the way out. It’s not a solution at all. It’s the devils alternative and it leads to no good. Since you are still here, you can’t give up, it has taken grit to get this far. 

In times like this, we need encouragement. No man is an island. Discouragement comes to all. The difference is in our response to it. Some are able to encourage themselves. Kudos to them.

The majority of us need external encouragement, which can come either from friends or fellowship. Being a Lone Ranger has a lot of disadvantages in these trying times.

The importance of fellowship with people of like mind cannot be overemphasised. We hear a word of encouragement that lifts our spirit and we receive strength to go on. There is such lifting that can only come from a place of spiritual fellowship.

Sometimes we hear a testimony that encourages us and challenges us. At other times we see how others have remained joyful in worse circumstances and we are inspired to keep at it.

Friendships are also crucial at this time. There’s nothing like the support of friends who love you. Knowing that you are not alone is so comforting.

Having someone with a listening ear makes all the difference sometimes. We sometimes just need to vent and feel better.

‘It’s okay, don’t worry things are getting better’, these are like life giving water to a famished soul. A hug, a prayer, an encouraging text go a long way.

Calls to check up on you or vice versa could be all that’s needed to pull someone from the brink.

Treasure good friends. Go out of your way to invest in these relationships. Remember you too should be a source of envcouragement to someone too. Its a case of iron sharpening iron. 

When you have made a deposit, then you can make a withdrawal on the rainy day.

We were not meant to walk alone. Recieve encouragement from others and give it out as well.


Its been a tough year, what with COVID and all the attendant upheavals and losses. things that will help is fellowship and friendships.

Sometimes these two determine if we sink or swim. If you are a loner, work to build relationships, you need them.

Together we can!