As the year unfolds, we find that some goals seem so far off and sometimes outright unattainable. There are several reasons for this, they could have been made not taking into account all the prevailing circumstance.

You could have also given yourself too much to achieve in a short period of time. It could also be that some things about you have changed, and so the goal doesn’t interest you any longer.

Whatever the case, the summary is that those goals have become pain points or pressure points. Here are five steps to get back and achieve your goals if its not working.

# Stop

It’s so important to take a break, and have a good look at where you are right now. Remember not every movement is progress. You can see its not working so stop. Take a good look at where you are, assess what’s happening. Take a look at that goal again. Did you write it down, then pick it up and read it to yourself.

# Critical assessment

If possible, separate yourself from the goal. If a stranger had come to you with this challenge, what would you have said? Sentiments have a way of blinding us to the truth and making us postpone the evil day. Have a meeting with yourself and tell yourself the truth in love. Why is it not working?

# Have I put in enough?

Sometimes we need time to achieve our goals. There is no quick fix, its sometimes a slow grind. One day at a time, you keep at it. Impatience sometimes robs us of the benefits of our labour. Reading autobiographys of people who had similar goals and challenges will help boost your morale.

# Am I going about it the right way?

Information is so important. Networking also is key. Some information about small tweaks we can make may be all we need to have success. For every thing we want to achieve , there is a way and manner to go about it.

# Do I have the required skills?

The internet has made learning super easy and convenient. It may just be a you tube video or an online course that we need to make progress with our goals. Everything can be learned, including the how to of relationships. If we are willing to skill up, then the world is our oyster.

# Do I need help?

For certain goals, we need experts to help us. No man is an island. Seek out the experts, finance expert, counsellor, dietician; whatever you need. They make it much easier because they have been trained for it.

# Is it an over ambitious goal for the time frame I set?

Growth is in stages. A secondary school leaver cannot expect to have a Phd in two years except he is a genius. Same goes for our goals. Some goals will take more time than others to achieve, so beating yourself up over not achieving something that should take a much longer time frame than you set. Every goal timeline should be realistic and tailored to your peculiar circumstance.

# Is this even the right goal for me at this time?

Our personality sometimes is a hindrance to us achieving certain goals. No personality is good or bad, every personality type has its positives. If you are not willing to come out of your shell or be a different person in certain regards, there may be a struggle with certain goals. We need to challenge ourselves, but if its more than you are willing to give, then maybe its time to modify that goal or your expectations.


# A second opinion

We can never underestimate the power of right counsel. This is where having a mentor becomes a life saver.

If you don’t have a mentor, a good friend who is also an achiever can also give you wise counsel.

You are not the repository of all wisdom. Someone else will look at an issue from another angle you haven’t explored. Leverage on your relationships

# Reach a decision

Theres nothing as bad as procrastination. Success comes when we are able to face the challenge head on and reach a decision so we can make progress. After trouble shooting, asking the questions in step 2 and talking with someone, the decision  still has to be made.

Will I continue with this as a goal? Do i need to change course? Replace it with another goal in keeping with your vision that excites you.

Do I need to undergo some training to achieve this? When will that be?

Will I begin to spend more time to achieve this? How much time? Write it down

What time line will I set for this? Set it.

You can place something written about this goal in place that’s visible to you everyday. This will serve as a reminder.

# Move

Now that you are back on track, keep working at it. Remember that goal cannot be achieved by just looking at it and wishing. Make up your mind to crush that goal, one day at a time. Get back on track and enjoy the results. Starting today!!