Tips for Building your House on a Budget in Nigeria
Housing is one of the major needs we have, and as we grow, we want to move beyond rent to ownership. It’s always an interesting journey, and as they say ‘there are many ways to skin a cat’. There are several ways to make this…
8 best undergraduate first degree courses for guaranteed jobs in Canada
Study abroad is the dream of most parents and young people. It involves a lot of planning and strategizing. Tuition, traveling, living expenses are amongst some of the expenses. For those who want to school in canada, scholarships are not really easy to come by,…
5 Countries with Free and paid Phd for International Students 2021/2022
For some of us who love research and academics, there is a dream of completing a PhD program in an environment where there are excellent facilities and opportunities to work with excellent professors in our chosen field of research. The cost however can be prohibitive,…
3 easiest Countries to immigrate to for Nigerians
The world is now a global village, with many moving across continents much more easily than before. Many move in search of greener pastures, a different kind of environment or better quality of life and education for their children particularly Nigerians. Nigerians are one of…
5 ways to get back and achieve your goals when its not working.
As the year unfolds, we find that some goals seem so far off and sometimes outright unattainable. There are several reasons for this, they could have been made not taking into account all the prevailing circumstance. You could have also given yourself too much to…
Ongoing International Undergraduate Scholarship 2022
Numerous scholarships are available around the globe. Its just a matter of taking time to search for them. We have taken the trouble to search for those sites and will be posting the links as they come. There are different scholarship types, some offer partial…
Together we can!
I would like to first congratulate you for making it to this time of the year, in spite of all the challenges. Kudos to you, it shows you are made of sterner stuff than you think. The year is fast drawing to an end and…
6 Advantages of University Education in Ghana
We want the best education if possible, and want to maximise our resources in achieving this. Sometimes a scholarship abroad may not work out, or the living expenses may be way too high. Ghanaian universities offer excellent education as well, two of my children have…
5 Points to Consider before Sending your Teenager Abroad to College.
Statistics show that millions of teenagers are sent abroad to study every year, so its nothing new. The numbers are increasing, as the standard of education drops in many third world countries. There are so many success stories, but there are also some sad stories…
8 Best extracurricular activities for university scholarship applications
Scholarship funds available Your scholarship application is the tool the colleges use to get to know you and create their first impression of you. Remember you won’t be there for a physical interview, therefore your application should pack a punch! If you want to get…
How to prepare your child for Ivy league University Scholarships in USA Canada and Europe
scholarship Do you have a desire for the best education for your child? Have you checked the fees of the best universities and are scared because you can’t afford them? Your child can get a scholarship and that dream can become a reality. Deliberate preparation…
When friends and family don’t buy from you
Nothing is worse than looking on Facebook and seeing someone close to you, post about buying something you sell, from someone else.OOOOOHHHH THE AGONY!!!! Something l learnt years ago, don’t make income projections for your business based on expected purchase from family and friends. Sounds…
About Me

I am a woman who believes in living my best life now, always been passionate about following my dreams no matter what. My Christian faith is also a big part of my life, and it has helped me live a life of faith and hope, a firm believer in the sunshine after the rain. It’s not over until you win.
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